Living With a Traumatic Brain Injury

MRI of an injured brain. TryMunity

Photo by Puwadol Jaturawutthichai for Shutterstock

If you or a loved one is a traumatic brain injury survivor (TBI), you are likely still adjusting to this new way of life. The process is gradual, and there is no need to rush through it. These things take time, and it is important to discuss some of the changes you may experience in your home, work, and relationships now that you are living with a TBI. Know that in the midst of all of these adjustments, you are not alone; there are thousands of traumatic brain injury survivors, caretakers and family members who are facing new challenges just like you on the journey of life after TBI. Here is information provided by the Brain Injury Association of America about what to expect on that journey.

Home Modifications

There will be physical and emotional modifications to life at home after you or a member of your family experiences a traumatic brain injury. Whether it is your child who experiences a TBI, your spouse, your parent, your sibling, or your friend, you need to be both patient and willing to step up in many ways. This will be an adjustment for both of parties; depending on the extent of the injury, the traumatic brain injury survivor’s personality will likely be different than before the injury. It is important to take things one day at a time, seek outside help, and take precautions to prevent depression and isolation during the adjustment process. You may also need to install ramps, widen doors, install special showers and the like to accommodate for special equipment or physical limitations..

Work Changes

Once you or your loved one has had some time to settle into the “new normal” of living with a traumatic brain injury, you may want to discuss returning to work. A lot of times, re-establishing a routine is exactly what is needed to restore some normalcy to life. Always consult with a doctor to ensure the patient is physically ready to return to work. Then, the survivor can go to their employer and discuss a gradual or modified return (shorter hours, a different position, or a lighter workload than before).Another option is to utilize the programs of Vocational Rehabilitation or Ticket to Work.

Relationship Changes

Without a doubt, a person that suffers a traumatic brain injury will experience significant impacts to their relationships – this includes family, friends, professional, and romantic. The TBI survivor will likely endure self-doubt and isolation after the incident, and the people in their lives should act as a positive support system. In all relationships, patience will be required during the re-establishment and rebuilding of roles, as well as acceptance of the potential changes for both parties.

Join TryMunity

We cannot emphasize how much support is available to you when it comes to the recovery process of a traumatic brain injury. TryMunity was created to prove just that. This site is a platform for TBI survivors and their families to share their progress, their personal stories, meet peers, and reaffirm the fact that everyone is on their own journey to normal life following a traumatic brain injury. Join TryMunity today at